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Monday, December 19, 2005

Rants from the Past

My world has been calm for almost six months and here you are with a phone call to return call and a belated b-day card to rock my world. I'm tempted to scream "What do you want from me?" Haven't you humiliated me enough?" Pardon me for my stupidity but if that card was a peace offering (a "so-sorry letter" reminiscent of the one sent by FVR to Danielle Mitterand), I fail to see an apology even under that veneer.

Uh, was there a message to be read in between the serious message? Your literary effort has got me stumped, pal. Oops, did I write pal? Wouldn't the terms best buddy who's someone special be more apt? Touche'.

My background in Communication failed to prepare me in decoding messages resembling your recent creative genius. Aside from that, two things prevent me from deciphering your version of the Rosetta Stone:

1) It's impossible for me to lift myself;
2) I can never see beyond the horizons because I'm a myopic forever.

I could go on ranting and raving but I won't do that. I'll just pray for you like I do every night.

Good night. I wish you'd tell me what you want from me without hiding behind a cloud of words.

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